Paynes National Poly Hive with 2 Supers and Frames & Foundation

£249.00 VAT included

The Paynes polystyrene hive will be appreciated by the bees as well as the beekeeper!

Part of our National Poly Hive Range, it is totally compatible with both our wooden National bee hives and our Poly National hive components. This means you can use your existing beehive parts you may already have and take advantage of the polystyrene benefits.


  • 1 x Paynes Poly Hive Floor with Entrance Block and Varroa Inspection Board.
  • 1 x Paynes Poly Brood Box with Pair of Metal Runners. 
  • 11 x 1st Grade DN4 National Brood Frames. 
  • 11 x Sheets of Beeswax Wired Brood Foundation. 
  • 1 x Plastic Queen Excluder. 
  • 2 x Paynes Poly Super Boxes with 2 Pairs of Metal Runners. 
  • 22 x 1st Grade SN4 Super Frames. 
  • 22 x Sheets of Beeswax Wired Super Foundation. 
  • 1 Clear Plastic Crown Board. 
  • 1 x Paynes Poly Hive Roof. 
  • 3 x 20g Challenge Gimp Pins (for Frames). 


Each hive component is made from a very high density material, 120g/litre - up to 4 times stronger than the poly used for packaging.    This gives the hives great durability, able to withstand hive tools and the usual beehive inspections.    It's lightweight properties will mean it is easier to handle too - great for those bad backs!

Its insulation properties also makes it ideal for beehives as less bees are required to maintain the heat required for effective brood rearing, helps improve overwintering successes and giving you an earlier spring buildup.

No faffing around with this hive. Each component is one piece moulded so there are no weak joints and very minimal assembly needed before you add your bees.   Just insert the metal frame runners into the slots (provided) and give your hive a lick of paint and you are ready to go!

Ideally, you'll want your hive to be all poly to get maximum benefits from it.  But no need to chuck away your wooden parts.      You can use those parts on the poly hive, whether that's a wooden brood box, wooden super, or any other wooden item.   The only limitation is you can't use a wooden roof over the top of a poly box.


Open Mesh Floor with entrance reducer block.  
This meshed floor has so many benefits over a solid equivalent.   The improved ventilation means less damp over the winter without sacrificing temperature loss so colonies are more likely to survive the colder months when they are less active.   The floor includes a pull out varroa inspection board so you can easily inspect the board from the rear of the hive and count the varroa mites without even opening it up, allowing the bees to get on with their job.   Each floor comes with an entrance reducer, a block that can be used to narrow the entrance down so that the colony can defend itself against larger rivals.   The entrance block also has a mouseguard built in so you don't have to worry about mice making their home inside the hive during the winter when the bees are dormant.

Brood Box
The brood box is where the queen will lay all her eggs and holds 11 frames.  Comes with metal frame runners to hold the frames in the box.

2 x Super Box
The super box is where the workers store the nectar and turn it into honey.  Comes with metal frame runners to hold the frames in the box.

Poly clear flexible Crownboard
This clear crownboard/coverboard allows the opportunity to peak into the beehive with minimal disturbance, giving you a glimpse into how the bees are doing.   Whether this is how full the honey supers are filling up in the summer, or if the bees are clustering in the winter.
What could be considered the most important component on a beehive, it is the roof that will keep the bees warm and dry.    Our poly roof is 40mm thick, allow plenty of insulation to keep the heat in.

Hive Strap
Every hive comes with a 5 metre hive strap, long enough to around even the biggest of hives.  No matter how windy it gets out there, the bees and the hive will carry on.


Plastic Queen Excluder

Included is also a plastic queen excluder. No more sharp metal for the bees to cut themselves on, it's even friendly on the beekeeper too!! Please note, colour may vary, usually green or brown.

Dimensions: 460mm x 460mm

All our Polystyrene beehives are made in the UK.