Paynes National Nuc Top Style Feeder

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Paynes National Nuc Top Style Feeder

This is a top style feeder for the national poly nuc. This allows greater capacity so less visits back to the colony for re fills. Just block the side feeder off in the poly nuc and place this on the top.

The clear cover (NOT DISHWASHER SAFE) over the centre channel allows you to easily see the bees taking the syrup down without opening the hive up making the visits quick and easy.  Both syrup chambers are sloping towards the centre so that every drop of feed can be taken down by the bees - no waste. If you're looking for a version of this item without the inner cover then click here.

This can be used in conjunction with the brood box for poly nucs and the super for poly nucs, giving you a complete poly nuc hive system - enabling you to increase or decrease the nuc hive depending on colony and yearly requirements