Bundle 3 Fully Assembled Western Red Cedar WBC Style Hive with Fully Assembled Value Hive With Fully Assembled Frames and Foundation

£470.00 VAT included


Introducing the all-new Western Red Cedar Simon The Beekeeper WBC Style Hive, with a cedar inner national hive complete with frames and foundation.

Our innovative WBC-styled hive is perfect for beekeepers looking to elevate their existing national hive setup. This design allows you to seamlessly reuse your standard national brood boxes, super boxes, queen excluders, and crown boards. Upgrade the appearance and functionality of your current hive with this stylish option.

Unlike standard WBC hives, this hive fits 11 frames in the brood box, as it is compatible with your standard national hive boxes. This provides more laying room for the queen and enhances the overall productivity of your hive. Additionally, the Western Red Cedar construction offers superior insulation, keeping your bees warmer during the winter months.

The Simon The Beekeeper WBC Hive includes:

  1. Fully assembled Western Cedar hive stand and floor with mesh floor and inspection board
  2. 1 Fully Assembled Western Cedar lift with porch
  3. 1 Pine Fully Assembled National Brood Box
  4. 11 DN4 Brood Frames Fully Assembled with Beeswax Wired Foundation
  5. 1 wooden boarder metal queen excluder
  6. 2 Fully Assembled Western Cedar lifts
  7. 2 Fully Assembled Pine Super Boxes
  8. 22 SN4 Super Frames Fully Assembled Frames with Beeswax Wired Foundation
  9. Fully assembled galvanized metal-covered gabled Western Cedar roof with cone bee escapes
  10. Pair of entrance sliders
  11. Pine clear crown board
  12. 1 porter bee escape